Golf is a sport of detail, many athletes have seen how the use of improper equipment can greatly alter the quality of their performance and overall precision. This is because golf clubs can be made with varying levels of precision and quality.
A majority of the equipment being sold these days under the garb of ‘professional golfing clubs’ are merely average in nature. Due to the poor quality of equipment, individuals start to doubt their technique, workout regime and even their coaching staff.
According to PGA legend Dennis Paulson “ many players try to make their swing work with their driver. However, what one really needs is a driver that works with your swing”.
This implies that if one’s driver is poorly fabricated or is not customized for a user's game, his/her performance will automatically be effected without the person even knowing it.
The same goes for amateur players who like to play the sport as a hobby, due to the highly meticulous nature of golf, it is important for casual players to use equipment that maximizes their power and precision output.
Some of the common issues that most casual enthusiasts face include:
- Weak drives caused due to poor build quality. This results in the users hitting the ball slightly away from the target spot.
- Off-target tee balls which run into the rough, trees, water.
- Ugly slice shots which can lead to pitiful pop-ups and humiliating worm-burners
- Extreme deviation in terms of the distance covered from one hole to the next
- Lastly, Good swings that produce bad (and baffling) results
Due to these rectifiable issues, many amateur golfers never think about participating in tournaments, or even worse end up quitting the sport thinking that they are not carved out to play it.
What Is GX-7 Metal Golf Club?
The GX-7 has been described as a club that allows users to obtain an ”Average Distance shot of a High-Performance Driver & the Accuracy of a Fairway Wood. All this is achieved through the use of this high quality 7-Iron Swing”.
Some of the key benefits which this high-precision golf club delivers include:
- Allowing users to greatly improve their driving distance consistency when compared to their current driver (this substantially reduces fluctuations from hole to hole)
- Regular use of the GX-7 has been shown to improve one’s accuracy quite considerably (allows users to dominate the course’s fairway center).
- Allows users to turn even their worst miss-hits into decent shots (achieved through the systematic reduction of ‘dreaded blow up holes’)
- The GX-7 eliminates the need for separate swings (users have the option to use the GX-7 just like an iron)
- Due to its amazing design and fabrication quality, GX-7 can help us keep up with (if not blow past) players who can swing faster than us ( thus in turn raising our confidence levels and optimizing our score card).
Why Not Just Call The GX-7 A Driver?
While many people will be tempted to refer to the GX-7 as a X-metal, however when talking about the technical aspects of this club, it provides users with a number of unique features. Some of them include:
- The design features loft, length and clubhead dimensions which are comparable to a driver and a 3-wood.
- It includes a base sole that mimics a 7-iron.
- Unlike a driver, its innovative design allows the GX-7 to be unbelievably “powerful, accurate, forgiving, consistent and easy to hit”.
- Studies have shown that an average drive with the GX-7 can beat one's average (shot distance) with a traditional driver.
- GX-7 features various small modification which have been found to allow for better distance and accuracy on miss-hits.
GX-7 vs Other Adjustable Drivers Or Fairway Wood
There are 3 key reasons why the GX-7 is superior to the aforementioned clubs:
While many so called “adjustable clubs” claim to provide various comfort benefits, they are in reality not 100% adjustable.
In Fact with many people using adjustable drivers it has been observed that the ‘center of gravity’ is high and near the clubface (which is only good for professionals, and can be technically bad for amateurs).
Another point to note is that, even if driver claims to have an adjustable COG, it cannot be adjusted to a level where it becomes more functional.
Cost Aspect:
According to research conducted by Golf Datatech, (a leading research firm in the field of golf), it was found that “only 1 in 3 golfers who buy adjustable drivers actually change the settings”.
This essentially means that we end up spending a chunk of our $400 – $500 investment on the big brands’ that don't really cater to our needs.
The GX-7 club is designed for players who need help in improving their overall shot distance. Regular use of the club can assist players who struggle with the old “banana ball” or people who make inconsistent contact from both tee and fairway.
Other Important Informtion
- Its multi-functional face progression helps users close the clubface and catch the ball squarely.
- The GX-7 is 100% conforming and can be used in all golf related sporting tournaments.
GX-7 Metal Golf Club Reviews
There are many customer submitted testimonials which one can check out, all of the reviews have been positive and people have mentioned how the GX-7 has helped improve their overall game.
Satisfied individuals include Jim Bedroe who says “”The GX-7 allowed me to hit the ball straight. I hit every [ball] right in the same path, and the fact that I could get it out there farther than the driver was impressive. I've never hit the first shot with a new club off the tee like I hit this one.”
Similarly, Jimmy Buck says “I think I'd rather hit the GX-7 than my driver right now. Compared to my driver, the GX-7 was easier to hit, as long as my driver, and I think that the dispersion on it was much better than my driver.”
Purchasing GX-7 Metal Golf Club
The club can be easily ordered from the official website, all one needs to do is provide their individual specifications and then proceed to payment.
Each club is priced at $199.00, and comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee, in case users aren't’ satisfied with what they have bought.