A very important part of health is knowing what we are putting into our bodies.
With so many drink products to choose from, it can be hard to know which ones are legitimately good for your health, and which ones contain hidden ingredients that can actually damage it.
Many drink companies add in harmful ingredients to preserve the drink. Typical juicing methods require extreme heat to kill germs and viruses that may be present in the ingredients.
Unfortunately, this also damages the good elements in the ingredients also. Pressing juice with extreme heat can damage the nutrients, alter the flavor, and even damage the color!
Today we will be discussing a company called Juice Served Here, and helping you determine which of their products would be right for you.
When you want to be health and environmentally conscious, it is important to know where your juices are coming from and how they are grown.
What Is Juice Served Here?
Juice Served Here is a company that makes cold pressed, organic juice products to be shipped directly to your door or purchased a local retailer.
Their ingredients are organic, non GMO, and leave a 0% carbon footprint during their production.
They are a company that is eco friendly and health conscious. They ship their fresh, cold pressed juices all over the country to share their impact with everyone possible.
Juice Served Here is a company that cold presses all of their ingredients, and uses non GMO, organic sources for their juices.
They are proud to also have their juice processed in 0 carbon foot print facilities, making their impact on the environment a positive one also.
Many factories not only can harm your body with their chosen ingredients, but also harm the environment as well with their factories to produce the items as well.
How Does Juice Served Here work?
Juice Served Here cold presses all of their juices to ensure that the nutritional value of the ingredients is left in tact.
Traditional juicing methods can diminish the nutritional value of some of the fruit and vegetable juices. Heat breaks down vitamins and minerals, and can damage some of the tissues and change the flavor.
By cold pressing all of their fruits to make their drinks, Juice Served Here is leading the way in terms of nutritional value of their juice and flavors.
They do not add any GMO ingredients or chemical additives. Just fruit, veggie, and other plant juices to bring you the purest, most nutritional juice possible.
Juice Served Here Benefits
Other benefits of the Juice Served Here include:
-Shipping directly to you within 24 hours of your order if you order Tuesday-Friday. You can also plan your order and place it in advance for future delivery. This ensures the products you receive will always be fresh and ready for you as you need them
-Available at many retailers nationwide for in store purchasing
-Come in various support systems to help you with areas of your health. There are detoxes, health support smoothies, skin support shots, and more.
-They source their ingredients from small farms and natural sources, so you aren’t getting a mouthful of chemicals when you drink their juice
-Their offerings include fresh fruit juices, fresh fruit lemonade blends, fresh fruit ‘shots’, and smoothies. All of their products are made with only natural ingredients and are bottle immediately for ultimate freshness and flavor
-They have cleanse programs that you can take to detox your body from all of the harmful things we eat on a daily basis. Help cleanse your body and kick start your immune system (and digestion) with one of Juice Served Here’s cleansing boxes
-You can also choose to build your own box of Juice Served Here products. Simply choose which juices you want to be included, and place your order for overnight shipping. Your fresh juice is shipped directly to you overnight for maximum freshness
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
Please see your doctor with any questions about how this product can affect you. The information contained on the site about this product is for informational purposes only.
How Will Juice Served Here Benefit Me?
Juice Served Here can benefit your health by bring all natural and nutritious. The cold pressing process ensures that the juices have the best nutrition left in tact for an all natural product that will help your body.
Juice Served Here Pricing
The Juice Served Here drinks are available for order directly to you via overnight shipping on their website.
Their products range from $6.00-$24.00 for building your own juice box, or you can purchase their pre packaged boxes (prices vary). For more information on ordering and pricing, visit their website for details.
They currently offer free shipping for your first order and on orders above $89.00. They are shipped via Fed Ex overnight Tuesday-Friday
Juice Served Here Summary
If you are looking for a juice product that is great for your body, are looking to support a company that cares for the environment, or are looking to try something new this company may be the right one for you.
You can view their drinks, smoothies, and shots on their website to determine which of their products would be the best for you. You can also view what the ingredients are in the drinks, and see what difference being cold pressed really makes.